Orange Salad - a winter starter


This is the time of year when oranges are at their best. Easy and refreshing, they make puddings, Orange Compote or Orange and Olive Salads

This recipe is another simple way to start a rich meal for friends in the dark months when oranges are at their best.  

Take 3 oranges, one crisp lettuce, a few toasted pine nuts, some baby spinach (optional) and a few pitted Kalamata olives.

Tear the lettuce into pieces. Put into a nice dish with a sprinkle of pine nuts and the spinach leaves.

Peel 2 oranges and carefully cut out the segments from between the pith. Do this over a bowl so you catch the juice.  Make a dressing with 2 tablespoons of spare orange juice, 3 tablespoons olive oil, salt, pepper and a knife end point of dijon mustard. Taste and add more orange juice or mustard to taste.

Combine the orange segments with your salad, toss it all in some of the dressing. Add the olives on top. Serve the extra dressing on the side.

Blood oranges would be lovely in this. Nice bread is a good idea to go with it.  
