Squid Starter

I only put recipes on this blog that I have made, either regularly or recently tried out. Reliable Recipes! But I am making an exception of sorts for this one, as my friend Jan gave it to us last week. Watching it being cooked and then eating it must surely count as trying it out. It is easy and delicious and impressive too. She buys frozen squid in a packet which just has the pocket part. I don't like tentacles very much so I will look for that option. I suppose you could do this with the whole beast if you were so inclined.

Squid Starter

Marinate the sliced pieces of squid in lemon juice and a quantity of turmeric, so that the strips are nicely coated.
Leave 10 minutes or if you can up to 3/4 hours.
Put a little oil in a pan, heat, add a crushed clove of garlic and stir the squid strips around until they soften. This doesn't take long - the squid is not going to go crispy.
Serve on a plate edged with watercress and lemon quarters to squeeze on.
