Nutty Roast

Two slices of fresh bread to make a sandwich filled with cold nut roast - that was my lunch today and it was absolutely yum. I rediscovered a real seventies recipe while doing planning for a party buffet, written on one of those old tatty cards I have stacked away. Nut roast has been much maligned as an idea since those days of vegetarian experiments, although recently I did see an article about them which gave a horrible sounding version as the best. Even Jamie's version overdoes it with lots of extras. This is a simple and very tasty version which has just been tested on party goers and eaten as leftovers by me. In fact I was asked to put this on the blog by one of those very party goers, not herself a vegetarian.

Nutty Roast

This makes enough for 6 - 8 generous portions sliced. I doubled the original recipe so it will be easy to reduce the quantities and make a smaller one if you wish.

8 oz whole hazelnuts
8 oz mushrooms - use half white and half chestnut mushrooms for maximum flavour
2 oz butter
1 oz plain flour
1/2 pint stock
2 level tsp Marmite
4 oz white breadcrumbs
2 eggs
Salt and Pepper plus half a tsp or so dried oregano or thyme
Fresh flat leaf parsley chopped - strictly optional and not at all seventies

Large loaf tin oven at No 5/6 or equivalent

  1. Fry chopped mushrooms in a little oil till soft.
  2. Put nuts on a shallow oven tray in the hot oven for approx 10 minutes
  3. Put them into a clean tea cloth and rub so that the skins come off. Don't worry about every little stubborn flake as they add to the flavour.
  4. Put into a food processor and blend till quite but not completely smooth. Or spend ages with a pestle and mortar.
OR Buy one packet chopped roasted hazelnuts and one packet ground roasted hazelnuts and mix. Possibly not quite as tasty but quick!
  1. Melt the butter on a low heat, stir in the flour, cook for a minute stirring, then add the hot stock, stir till smooth and let it simmer into a thick sauce for a couple of minutes stirring all the time.
  2. Remove from heat, add the rest of the ingredients, the beaten eggs last. Taste and adjust the seasoning.
  3. Press into a greased tin, level the top.
  4. Bake 45 mins - 1 hour approx till browning and solid.

Turn out, slice and eat with whatever you fancy!
