Italian Chicken Casserole

This recipe is one I scribbled down ages ago from who knows where and only tried this week. It specifies chicken breasts. So though I'm not as keen as many people are on using breasts( too large, often dry, can be tasteless) I stuck to the instructions for once. It did produce a very delicious meal with moist meat. It is also a summery meal and you could serve it as posh grub. without much effort.

We don't usually associate chillies with classic Italian cooking, even though so many restaurants calling themselves Italian put chilli oil on everything to boost the flavour. But there are lots of recipes where chillies are added and they are used here as a subtle background hint. 

Italian Chicken Casserole

for 2 - easily increased

2 free range chicken breasts
 A few carrots lightly cooked
A few shallots - optional
Peas - frozen are fine


Juice 1 lemon, a tablespoon wine or cider vinegar, small glass white wine, bay leaf, finely chopped red chilli, S and P.

  1. Pour this mixture over the chicken for up to one hour before cooking but no longer. It won't be enough to cover it so baste the meat a couple of times and turn it over too so it gets properly marinaded.
  2. Take the meat out, knock off any bits of the marinade and then brown each piece lightly in hot butter and olive oil - just enough to coat them. 
  3. Now add the marinade plus some fresh herbs eg thyme, rosemary, marjoram if you have them. Put in the carrots and small shallots if using. Turn the heat to a simmer or put the pan into an oven at No 4/150. Cook slowly for 30 mins or so.
  4. Add a few strands of saffron soaked first in warm water and the peas. Cook another 10 mins.
  5. Now taste and season. If it tastes too sharp, add a tiny pinch of sugar and taste again.

Serve with some summer veg - the first mangetout from the allotment were lovely with this - and  rice or mashed potatoes.
