Chocolate Rum Cheesecake

When we have friends in for a meal, I always want to cook something that I wouldn't be doing otherwise, especially for the pudding as that is a rare treat in a normal week and you have a chance to do things that are too big or complicated for just two of you. Looking through my huge collection of recipes for ideas, I came across this cheesecake recipe again, written down in the back pages of a 'Freezer Cookbook' - that is a contradiction and an anachronism in itself. But I won't do it this time. Why not? Because it is very rich and most suitable perhaps for when you have lots of people and want to offer a choice.It's a great party pud. Definitely Posh Grub.

Instead I think I shall be relying on everyone's current passion for Sticky Toffee Pudding served with F&G's Ice cream for our friends this week.

Chocolate Rum Cheesecake


8 oz plain chocolate digestives
4 oz butter
Large pinch ground cinammon and nutmeg - optional

Melt the butter, bash the biscuits into crumbs, mix well and press into the base of a deep 8' spring release tin.


1lb cream cheese ( or use 10 oz cheese and the make the weight up with plain thick yoghurt)
3 eggs
4 oz castor sugar
2 oz dark chocolate
1.2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbs rum

  1. Beat the eggs till thick, add sugar and continue till foamy and pale.
  2. Beat in the cheese gradually till smooth. NB  You can use a processor for all this.
  3. Divide the mixture into two.
  4. Add vanilla to one portion and spread on the biscuit base.
  5. Add melted chocolate and rum to the rest and spread this over the top.
  6. Bake at No 4 for 45 minutes till set but don't overcook.
  7. When cool, take out of the tin and cover with 1/4 pt whipped cream to which you have added 1 tsb rum - and then grate dark chocolate over it all.
