Italian Chicken

Italian Chicken

A free range chicken split down the back and pressed out flat
3 cloves of crushed garlic at least - a whole head split up is best
4 lemons
Chopped red chillies - number depending on taste but plenty, say at least 5
Salt and pepper

  1. Put olive oil over base of a roasting tin
  2. Put garlic over
  3. Put chicken in skin side up
  4. Put on a little more oil
  5. Squeeze over lemon joice
  6. Sprinkle on a liberal mixture of chillies and S&P
  7. Put squeezed lemon quarters over the breast and other joints
Roast 45 mins - 1 hour depending on the heat of your oven and the size of the chicken. So check near the bone that there is no pinkness. 15 mins before the end, remove lemon quarters.

Chop up the chicken into pieces and sprinkle with parsley to serve (a chinese cleaverr is very useful for this kind of job). Add fresh lemon pieces to the plate.

Easily doubled for a crowd and adapted for special tastes - no chillies/more chillies etc
